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Osclass 8.1.2 release

We are excited to announce new Osclass version, that is primarily focused on bug fixing and improvements of features brought in 8.1.0. (View changelog). Let’s review what has been updated in 8.1.2

Backoffice translations improvement

We’ve spent a lot of time to improve translation capabilities in backoffice, especially on share function. Now this function remove all irrelevant files for translation when shared, update index.php of file in archive to contain current Osclass information (version) to be more relevant.

Warning will also be shown, if you try to edit translation that require more input fields than you enabled in your PHP settings.

Share button was also renamed and repositioned. We encourage you to share your translations to help community, especially people in your country 😉

Language code in URL improvements

We’ve updated logic to stay on currently browsed page when you switching language and language code in URL is enabled. This brings better UX and less redirects and content search.

Another major fix is repaired bug that caused problems to plugins (plugin pages) and shifted paremeters in URL. Now plugins works ok with “language code in URL” feature.

You can also enable hreflang tags to be generated on all pages, so Google and other search engines can see page variants in different locales.

Besides these, we’ve updated conversion of Greek/Turkish characters to Latin in URLs.

Other noticable updates

There are much more improvements, not all are so important, but in overall they improve user experience when working with Osclass:

Make sure to read full changelog, hope you enjoy these updates!