As osclass website and osclass market has been shut down, there is need to remove linkage of osclass script to these sites, othervise your oc-admin (backoffice) will be very slow. Please follow this step by step guide to remove any links to osclass sites.
Disable auto-upgrade
Will disable any way to osclass to be automatically checking for new updates via cron.
In file: oc-includes/osclass/cron.php Remove line: osc_do_auto_upgrade();
Disable updates checking
Your osclass will stop to check for updates
In file: oc-includes/osclass/utils.php Find: function _get_market_url($type, $update_uri) { Bellow this code add: return false;
In file: oc-includes/osclass/utils.php Find: function osc_market($section, $code) { Bellow this code add: return array('error' => 1, 'message' => 'Osclass market down', 'data' => array());
In file: oc-includes/osclass/utils.php Find: function osc_is_update_compatible($section, $element, $osclass_version = OSCLASS_VERSION) { Bellow this code add: return false;
In file: oc-includes/osclass/utils.php Find: function osc_check_language_update($update_uri, $version = null) { Bellow this code add: return false;
Backoffice dashboard
Remove featured products feeded from osclass market into your dashboard (landing page) in oc-admin.
In file: oc-admin/main.php Remove: $aFeatured = array(); $out_featured = osc_file_get_contents(osc_market_featured_url('plugins', 3)); $array_featured_plugins = (array) json_decode($out_featured, true); $out_featured = osc_file_get_contents(osc_market_featured_url('themes', 3)); $array_featured_themes = (array) json_decode($out_featured, true); $this->_exportVariableToView("aFeatured", array_merge($array_featured_plugins, $array_featured_themes));
What’s next?
You could remove also links to osclass and osclass market, but these has no impact on load speed of your ocadmin, anyway if you are lazy to do these changes, you may follow following Github to get updated osclass: