In emails and alerts, you could introduce some keywords, between brackets {} to be replace by useful information, for example the title of an ad. Besides that, each title and description have individual filter to modify/add new keywords plus two general filters (email_title and email_description).
There is 5 keywords that can be used in any email template:
- {WEB_URL} : Site home page url
- {WEB_TITLE} : Title of your site
- {WEB_LINK} : Site home page link
- {CURRENT_DATE} : Current date
- {HOUR} : Current time (hour)
- {IP_ADDRESS} : User IP address
Here’s the list of every keyword available to each email template.
Emails send to the users
Alert Validation
Internal name: email_alert_validation
Title filter: email_alert_validation_title
Description filter: email_alert_validation_description
- {USER_NAME} : User’s name
- {USER_EMAIL} : User’s email
- {VALIDATION_LINK} : Validation link
Hourly alert
Internal name: alert_email_hourly
Title filter: alert_email_hourly_title
Description filter: alert_email_hourly_description
- {USER_NAME} : User’s name
- {USER_EMAIL} : User’s email
- {ABS} : List of ads related to that alert
- {UNSUB_LINK} : Unsubscribe link
Daily alert
Internal name: alert_email_daily
Title filter: alert_email_daily_title
Description filter: alert_email_daily_description
- {USER_NAME} : User’s name
- {USER_EMAIL} : User’s email
- {ABS} : List of ads related to that alert
- {UNSUB_LINK} : Unsubscribe link
Weekly alert
Internal name: alert_email_weekly
Title filter: alert_email_weekly_title
Description filter: alert_email_weekly_description
- {USER_NAME} : User’s name
- {USER_EMAIL} : User’s email
- {ABS} : List of ads related to that alert
- {UNSUB_LINK} : Unsubscribe link
Instant alert
Internal name: alert_email_instant
Title filter: alert_email_hourly_instant
Description filter: alert_email_hourly_instant
- {USER_NAME} : User’s name
- {USER_EMAIL} : User’s email
- {ABS} : List of ads related to that alert
- {UNSUB_LINK} : Unsubscribe link
Comment validated
Internal name: email_comment_validated
Title filter: email_comment_validated_title
Description filter: email_comment_validated_description
- {COMMENT_AUTHOR} : Name of the author of the comment
- {COMMENT_EMAIL} : Email of the author of the comment
- {COMMENT_TITLE} : Comment’s title
- {COMMENT_BODY} : Comment
- {WEB_URL} : Your web site’s URL
- {ITEM_URL} : URL of the item where the comment were posted
- {ITEM_LINK} : Link of the item where the comment were posted (same as {ITEM_URL} but it includes the <a> tag)
New item from unregistered user
This email is sent to the user, to give them option to modify/delete the ad
Internal name: email_new_item_non_register_user
Title filter: email_new_item_non_register_user_title
Description filter: email_new_item_non_register_user_description
- {ITEM_ID} : Ad’s id
- {USER_NAME} : User’s name
- {USER_EMAIL} : User’s email
- {WEB_URL} : Your web site’s URL
- {ITEM_TITLE} : Ad’s title
- {ITEM_URL} : Ad’s URL
- {WEB_TITLE} : Your web site’s title
- {EDIT_LINK} : Link to edit the ad
- {EDIT_URL} : URL to edit the ad
- {DELETE_LINK} : Link to delete the ad
- {DELETE_URL} : URL to delete the ad
Recover password email
Internal name: email_user_forgot_password
Title filter: email_user_forgot_password_title
Description filter: email_user_forgot_password_decription
- {USER_NAME} : User’s name
- {USER_EMAIL} : User’s email
- {WEB_URL} : Your web site’s URL
- {WEB_TITLE} : Your web site’s title
- {IP_ADDRESS} : IP address from where the petition to recover the password was made
- {PASSWORD_LINK} : Link to recover the password
- {PASSWORD_URL} : URL to recover the password
- {DATE_TIME} : Time at when the petition to recover the password was made
User is registered
Internal name: email_user_registration
Title filter: email_user_registration_title
Description filter: email_user_registration_description
- {USER_NAME} : User’s name
- {USER_EMAIL} : User’s email
- {WEB_URL} : Your web site’s URL
- {WEB_TITLE} : Your web site’s title
User changes email
Internal name: email_new_email
Title filter: email_new_email_title
Description filter: email_new_email_description
- {USER_NAME} : User’s name
- {USER_EMAIL} : User’s email
- {WEB_URL} : Your web site’s URL
- {WEB_TITLE} : Your web site’s title
- {VALIDATION_LINK} : Link to validate the new email of an user
- {VALIDATION_URL} : URL to validate the new email of an user
User validation
Internal name: email_user_validation
Title filter: email_user_validation_title
Description filter: email_user_validation_description
- {USER_NAME} : User’s name
- {USER_EMAIL} : User’s email
- {WEB_URL} : Your web site’s URL
- {VALIDATION_LINK} : Link to validate the new user registration
- {VALIDATION_URL} : URL to validate the new user registration
Send to a friend email
Internal name: email_send_friend
Title filter: email_send_friend_title
Description filter: email_send_friend_description
- {USER_NAME} : User’s name
- {USER_EMAIL} : User’s email
- {WEB_URL} : Your web site’s URL
- {WEB_TITLE} : Your web site’s title
- {FRIEND_NAME} : User’s friend’s name
- {FRIEND_EMAIL} : User’s friend’s email
- {ITEM_TITLE} : Title of the ad user wants to share
- {COMMENT} : User’s comment to this share
- {ITEM_URL} : Link to the ad (Note that it’s ITEM_URL, but you’re sending a LINK)
Question about an item
Internal name: email_item_inquiry
Title filter: email_item_inquiry_title
Description filter: email_item_inquiry_description
- {USER_NAME} : User’s name
- {USER_EMAIL} : User’s email
- {WEB_URL} : Your web site’s URL
- {CONTACT_NAME} : Seller’s name
- {USER_PHONE} : User’s phone number
- {ITEM_TITLE} : Ad’s title
- {ITEM_URL} : Link to the ad (Note that it’s ITEM_URL, but you’re sending a LINK)
- {COMMENT} : Question to the ad
Ad validation
Internal name: email_item_validation
Title filter: email_item_validation_title
Description filter: email_item_validation_description
- {USER_NAME} : User’s name
- {USER_EMAIL} : User’s email
- {WEB_URL} : Your web site’s URL
- {WEB_TITLE} : Your web site’s title
- {ITEM_DESCRIPTION_ALL_LANGUAGES} : Ad’s descriptions (every language available)
- {ITEM_DESCRIPTION} : Ad’s description (only one, the one in the default language of the site)
- {ITEM_COUNTRY} : Ad’s country
- {ITEM_PRICE} : Ad’s price
- {ITEM_REGION} : Ad’s region
- {ITEM_CITY} : Ad’s city
- {ITEM_ID} : Ad’s id
- {ITEM_TITLE} : Ad’s title
- {ITEM_URL} : Link to the ad
- {VALIDATION_LINK} : Link to validate the ad
- {VALIDATION_URL} : URL to validate the ad
Validation email to unregistered users
Internal name: email_admin_new_item
Title filter: email_item_validation_non_register_user_title
Description filter: email_item_validation_non_register_user_description
- {USER_NAME} : User’s name
- {USER_EMAIL} : User’s email
- {WEB_URL} : Your web site’s URL
- {WEB_TITLE} : Your web site’s title
- {ITEM_DESCRIPTION_ALL_LANGUAGES} : Ad’s descriptions (every language available)
- {ITEM_DESCRIPTION} : Ad’s description (only one, the one in the default language of the site)
- {ITEM_COUNTRY} : Ad’s country
- {ITEM_PRICE} : Ad’s price
- {ITEM_REGION} : Ad’s region
- {ITEM_CITY} : Ad’s city
- {ITEM_ID} : Ad’s id
- {ITEM_TITLE} : Ad’s title
- {ITEM_URL} : Link to the ad
- {VALIDATION_LINK} : Link to validate the ad
- {VALIDATION_URL} : URL to validate the ad
- {EDIT_LINK} : Link to edit the ad
- {EDIT_URL} : URL ot edit the ad
- {DELETE_LINK} : Link to delete the ad
- {DELETE_URL} : URL to delete the ad
Contact user
Internal name: email_contact_user
Title filter: email_contact_user_title
Description filter: email_contact_user_description
- {USER_NAME} : User’s name (send the message)
- {USER_EMAIL} : User’s email (send the message)
- {USER_PHONE} : User’s phone number (send the message)
- {WEB_URL} : Your web site’s URL
- {CONTACT_NAME} : User’s name (receive the message)
- {COMMENT} : Comment
New comment notification sent to the user
Internal name: email_new_comment_user
Title filter: email_new_comment_user_title
Description filter: email_new_coment_user_description
- {COMMENT_AUTHOR} : Name of the author of the comment
- {COMMENT_EMAIL} : Email of the author of the comment
- {COMMENT_TITLE} : Comment’s title
- {COMMENT_TEXT} : Comment
- {ITEM_TITLE} : Ad’s title
- {ITEM_ID} : Ad’s id
- {ITEM_URL} : URL of the ad
- {SELLER_NAME} : Name of the owner of the ad
- {SELLER_EMAIL} : Email of the owner of the ad
Emails send to the admin
New user notification sent to admin
Internal name: email_admin_new_user
Title filter: email_admin_new_user
Description filter: email_admin_new_user
- {USER_NAME} : User’s name
- {USER_EMAIL} : User’s email
- {WEB_URL} : Your web site’s URL
- {WEB_TITLE} : Your web site’s title
New comment notification sent to admin
Internal name: email_new_comment_admin
Title filter: email_new_comment_admin_title
Description filter: email_new_comment_admin_description
- {COMMENT_AUTHOR} : Name of the author of the comment
- {COMMENT_EMAIL} : Email of the author of the comment
- {COMMENT_TITLE} : Comment’s title
- {COMMENT_TEXT} : Comment
- {ITEM_TITLE} : Ad’s title
- {ITEM_ID} : Ad’s id
- {ITEM_URL} : URL of the ad
New ad notification sent to admin
Internal name: email_admin_new_item
Title filter: email_admin_new_item_title
Description filter: email_admin_new_item_description
- {USER_NAME} : User’s name
- {USER_EMAIL} : User’s email
- {WEB_URL} : Your web site’s URL
- {WEB_TITLE} : Your web site’s title
- {ITEM_DESCRIPTION_ALL_LANGUAGES} : Ad’s descriptions (every language available)
- {ITEM_DESCRIPTION} : Ad’s description (only one, the one in the default language of the site)
- {ITEM_COUNTRY} : Ad’s country
- {ITEM_PRICE} : Ad’s price
- {ITEM_REGION} : Ad’s region
- {ITEM_CITY} : Ad’s city
- {ITEM_ID} : Ad’s id
- {ITEM_TITLE} : Ad’s title
- {ITEM_URL} : Link to the ad
- {VALIDATION_LINK} : Link to validate the ad
- {VALIDATION_URL} : URL to validate the ad
- {EDIT_LINK} : Link to edit the ad
- {EDIT_URL} : URL ot edit the ad